Welcome to Eastwick Road Church


We warmly welcome anyone and everyone to Eastwick Road Church. We are a small friendly church made up of all kinds of people from various backgrounds and stages of faith. In all we declare and do we try to live and love the way Jesus would. We have a particular heart for older adults, but are still delighted when young families and children attend.

Whether you're looking for a church to try out or to join, or perhaps interested in finding out more about the Christian faith you can be sure of a warm welcome at Eastwick Road.

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will find the information you are looking for.

When do we meet?

Our Sunday Worship starts at 10:30am and is also available via YouTube live stream, click here

Thursday night Zoom group, we meet for fun, friendship and Bible Study. Great opportunity to ask questions and learn with the support of others. If you would like to join please contact office@eastwickroadchurch.co.uk to be added to the group mailing list.


Our church has an active prayer chain.  A personalised prayer request can be shared and we will collectively pray for you, someone or situation you have brought to our attention. You don’t have to be a member of our church community. 

You can call the office phone and leave a message on:  01372 453473

If you would like to have a call back please leave your number and we will be in touch.

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